How to achieve a fine hangover: first, savour a couple of thirst-quenching beers (it's been a hard day, after all); then enhance the flavours of your exotic Asian meal starter with a glass of red and a couple of glasses of white with the main course. Finally, to ensure the long-lasting pleasure of a throbbing head for the best part of the following day, slip down three or four B-52s, allowing the lingering sensation of the magical mix of Kahlua, Baileys and Grand Marnier to sink deep into the pleasuredome and to ensure that the last molecules of alcohol enter your bloodstream. Catch the last tube home, making sure that it's all shaken up inside you. 5hrs of stir-less sleep and bingo, you've achieved the perfect headache. The real pleasure, of course, comes from knowing a) that you are not alone in your heavenly cerebral state,
b) that you shared the path of enjoyment with some good friends and
c) that all libations were paid for by a generous benefactor.
Thank you, TRP - you know who you are...